Monday, January 2, 2017

Marvelous Monday: 1/2/17

Hey y'all! It's the first Monday of 2017! What?!? ๐Ÿ˜

In lieu of Accountability Monday, I bring you a late-day Marvelous Monday! Super cheesy, but what can I say? I adore all alliteration. (Ok, ok, I'm done- promise) ๐Ÿ˜‰

I wanted to write a quick post because I've got some awesome news and couldn't wait to share it with you! Actually, it's three very cool pieces of news and I think that deserves a whole post.

Number 1:
On Friday, I'll be attending Cigna's Blogger Event during Walt Disney World Marathon Weekend! I attended this event back in 2015 and am so thrilled to be asked to be part of it again. I'll share more content from Cigna here later this week. Make sure you're following all the action on twitter and instagram this weekend using the hashtag #CignaRunTogether.


Number 2:
I'm working with Yaktrax, Dry Guy, and Falke as part of their Cold Conquerors Ambassador Team! Look for winter running product reviews on the blog soon- and see what other ambassadors are saying about winter sports using the hashtag #conquerwinter on twitter and instagram.

Number 3:
I am incredibly humbled and excited to announce that I will be an Altra Ambassador for 2017! If you read this blog often (or follow me on social media) then you know I've been a huge fan of Altras (specifically the Paradigm and Olympus models) for about two years and I am so honored to be an ambassador. Altras are the only shoe that fits all the needs for my cranky feet- wide space for my tailor's bunions, rocker bottom for the wicked arthritis in my left big toe, and cushion for those long, slow, back-of-the-pack runs. I can't wait to be part of this team!

2017 is going to be excellent. I can't wait to share it all with you here!

Have a fabulous week, friends!

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