Matthew and I got to the vineyard about 5 pm. We picked up our shirts, bibs, and wine glasses and took them back to the car. Then we headed back to the vineyard and found a place to sit down until the race.
As we are sitting there, I happened to look over and see a former co-worker (Robert) and his girlfriend (Kimberly). What a wonderful surprise :-) We sat with them and chatted about upcoming races until it was time to go to the start.
Matthew and I decided to run this one separately. Since we've both been training a lot, we wanted to see how fast we could go. We probably should have taken this one easy because we have the Dumbo Double Dare this weekend, but we didn't- sometimes runners are stubborn :-)
I lined up towards the back of the pack; Matthew lined up towards the front. I started my ipod, started the Map My Run app, and we were off! I was fiddling with my watch so that started about 10 seconds after the start.
Matthew is in the front in the white shirt; I'm behind him in a pink shirt- looking at my watch. |
I started off with a very easy pace for the first three minutes. The first half mile was around the vines- pretty cool.
Grape vines on the right! |
Then we hit the road and a slight hill. I was feeling pretty good so I decided to push it and see how fast I could go. Around mile 1, I looked at my phone and saw I was running about a 10:35 mile/minute- super fast for me. Even though I thought I may puke and the sun was beating down on me, I decided right then that I was going to push this entire race and actually run for time.
At mile 1.5 we hit the turn-around and I was feeling ok- not great, but not as bad as I thought pacing as fast as I was. I love races with turn-arounds- I was able to see Matthew, Robert, and another friend Megan as they were speeding past me. I also caught up with Kimberly around mile 2.5.
After the last huge hill, I knew we only had a half mile to go back around the vineyard. I looked at my watch and tried not to get excited. I just kept saying, "It doesn't matter what the time is, it doesn't matter what the time is." But I was just so pumped to get to the finish line.
Such a beautiful run! |
Finally, I could see the finish. I ran at the fastest I think I ever have. After crossing the finish line, I stopped my watch and it said 33:49. My app said 34:05. Either way, I knew I'd pushed the entire way as hard as I could.
Matthew joined me at the finish, we found Robert and Kimberly, and got a glass of wine to celebrate. We listened to the band, got something to eat, and then checked out the official finish times. Matthew finished in 27:22. I finished in 33:55- a PR by 7 seconds. This is one of the best feelings in the world- if you run, you know what I mean.
This course was beautiful, fast, and the after-party was just awesome. Food, wine, and friends- literally the best way to end a Sunday. I would highly recommend this race. It's also walker and stroller friendly.
Good times! |
There was another reason to celebrate this weekend- since January I've lost close to 18 pounds. I wore shorts to the race this weekend. I started running over two years ago and it wasn't until this weekend that I felt confident enough to wear shorts to a race. And let me tell you, shorts are so much cooler (temperature-wise) than capris!
Finally in running SHORTS! |
With only two days until our Disney trip, I'll be busy packing and tapering- only two more training runs until the Dumbo Double Dare! Can't wait to share the experience here!
Happy running!