Good morning and welcome to Thanksgiving Week!
If you follow me on social media then you know that Matthew and I were in Philadelphia all weekend as he raced the 8k on Saturday and the half marathon on Sunday. Matthew lived in Philadelphia when we were first dating so it was fun to be back in the city and visiting some our old haunts. And, Wawa coffee is truly the best thing on earth and I am depressed that the closest one to where we currently live is like 80 miles away. Sadness.
Tomorrow night, we will be traveling again- this time to visit both of our families over Thanksgiving weekend. All this travel makes it hard to stay committed to my fitness and nutrition goals but I'm just trying to plug away at them and take it one day at a time.
Here's last week in review-
Monday- 30 minutes on the bike, light weights
Tuesday- balance exercises (from the PT) and some light weights
Wednesday- rest day
Thursday- rest day
Friday- 2 mile walk on the treadmill, 1.81 miles, 16:34 pace
Saturday- 1 mile walk outside, 15:11 pace
Sunday- balance exercises, planks, push-ups, squats
I went to my PT on Wednesday to inquire about a plan to help me get back to running- I'll detail that in a post later this week. In short, he recommended that I do 3-4 balance sessions a week (basically balancing on one foot for a minute at a time, 10 minutes total) and start to incorporate other core-strengthening exercises into my routine. Hopefully, this will all be helpful as I start running again- when that will be is a little more of a mystery as it all depends on my level of foot pain.
I also finished the ActiveLink assessment period and will start the ActiveLink Challenge on Wednesday- my weigh-in day. The challenge will basically take where I am now and encourage me to earn more activity points each day. According to the assessment, I currently earn seven PPV a day. Which is insane because I NEVER would have thought that I was that active during the day. For the next few weeks, that number will increase as it encourages me to earn more than seven each day.
Honestly, I'm still a little skeptical that I am actually earning all these points. And I have a tendency to eat ALL of the points I earn which could end up hampering my weight loss in the long run if I'm eating more points that I have been since starting Weight Watchers in January 2013. But I am willing to try this out and not make any judgment calls until it's been a full month of using it.
Apparently, I'm pretty active. |
I'm not going to lie, I have definitely NOT been as disciplined as I should be with regard to my nutrition habits these last two weeks. It is amazing that I lost seven pounds in six weeks when I was laid up but now that I've been walking for the last two weeks, I've lost .8 total.
I know that I must be more diligent about what I'm eating- even when traveling. I managed to lose every week while I was in the boot AND we traveled at least four of those six weeks. This upcoming week will be challenging as I won't be in "my" spaces because of the holiday. I've got to remain focused and stick to the plan that will get me to my goals- return to running, and 50 pounds down by January 1.
Matthew eating a ginormous piece of pizza in Phildelphia. We split it :-) |
146 as of 11/19/14 weigh-in
-.4 from last week
-44.4 since January 2013
-56 since HW
Have a fabulous Thanksgiving!
QOTD: Do you find it hard to stick to fitness/nutrition goals during the holiday season?