Wednesday, January 27, 2016

{Almost} Wordless Wednesday

Because I skipped Accountability Monday this week (I'm blaming winter storm Jonas!), here's a semi-wordless Wednesday check-in post:

2016 Blizzard: 32 inches of fluffy, white goodness and three full days indoors.

Matthew shovels; I selfie. 

New Weight Watchers Beyond the Scale Starter Kit: Ready for new recipes.

Favorite snow day treat: Banana, 1 tablespoon PB2, 1 tablespoon chocolate chips-
bake at 400 degrees for 15 minutes in aluminum foil pouch. Guiltless dessert!

New, uncluttered spaces in our home: Spent the entire blizzard weekend cleaning,
organizing, and re-decorating using the very popular KonMari Method.

Pittsburgh Marathon Weekend 2016: I registered for the half; Matthew is in for the full; we're both in for the 5k.

The scale: Not a jerk this week. 

My knee: Total jerk this week. Weird pain behind my left knee cap.
 Took a complete rest week and feels much better today.

Happy hump day, friends! 


  1. Looks like you had a wonderful snowy weekend. I keep hearing about this KonMari method of decluttering...I need to check it out! I also am a HUGE fan of that frame with the saying "You are my greatest adventure." Where did you find that? I love it and may be looking for something like that for my hubs :) -C

    1. We did have a wonderful weekend! How did y'all make out? Matthew actually bought me the burlap saying on etsy- I'll ask him who he bought it from. I framed it in a document frame because it's 8.5 x 11. It was a sweet gift he gave me the weekend he proposed. :-)

  2. Yay!!!! Dangle is so excited to have you!
