As you may have noticed, I've been a little absent on the blog and on social media for the last few weeks. Lately, my life has felt insanely crazy busy and I haven't been able to prioritize running, working out, or updating here about any of my training- or lack thereof.
But there are a few good reasons why...
Long story short, I got a new job!
And I'm going back to school!
That's right, in just a few years, I might change this blog's name to Dr. Sparkly Runner 😍
Long story long, the grad school thing has been in the works for quite a while. I applied and interviewed for the program last summer and found out I was accepted in August. I will schedule classes next month and now that it feels really real, I wanted to put it out there to the world: this fall, I will start the coursework for the Doctor of Education in Administration and Leadership Studies program at Indiana University of Pennsylvania! *cue happy dance*
As for the new job, that happened rather quickly and has caused a lot of positive disruption in my life. For the last two weeks, I have been preparing to move myself and my office across campus to my new role: Associate Dean of Students and Director of Student Conduct. This move involves me straddling two jobs for a bit and in the coming weeks, there will still be a few transitional items that I'll need to complete (from my previous role) in addition to fulfilling the obligations of the new role.
Because of the added stress of a mid-semester job change, I've barely had time to run or work out. In fact, it's been TEN DAYS since my last run. UGH. Even though this new role is amazing for my professional development and I am absolutely thrilled to serve the university I work for in this capacity, the transition has really thrown off my running and training game!
And because of the grad school thing, I've got to take a hard look at my calendar for the next few years and figure out what races I can/want to do and which races/training plans will fit into my class and new work schedule.
All of these changes are super positive. But they still disrupt the normal pattern and rhythm of my life, my running, and my training. It's taken me years to develop a manageable routine of healthy eating and physical activity that keeps me at a healthy weight and in half-marathon/marathon shape.
I'm nervous... about being able to stick to my healthy routines.
I'm excited... about being back in the classroom and developing my skills as an administrator.
I'm anxious... about making a smooth transition into my new job.
I'm confident... that I can handle all these new changes, maintain my healthy lifestyle, and still train for marathons. Or the 2019 Goofy Challenge. 😍
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"...and it will, too." One of my absolute favorite quotes from a movie. |
So that's what's been going on in my world. Hopefully, I get a new rhythm going here soon- the Pittsburgh Half Marathon is less than eight weeks away and I'm hoping to crush my half marathon course record in my fifth Steel Challenge weekend!
What's new with you?!
What new beginnings are you looking forward to?
Congrats, lady! I just found out I passed my boards so I'll be looking for a new full-time job. Now that I can relax, I want to enjoy the lack of structure before getting back to a 9-5 schedule.