Monday, June 15, 2015

AM: 6/15/2015

Good evening, y'all! Welcome to the late night edition of "Accountability Monday." I'm sorry this post is so late but I have a good reason...


And I started today! I'm at the same university just in a different office. I am absolutely thrilled and humbled and just so excited to get started in my new role. Thank you for all the support, positive vibes, and prayers you've sent my way- it worked :-)

Let's get right into this last week-

Monday- Runner's World Strength Anywhere workout
Tuesday- Rest day
Wednesday- Runner's World Strength Anywhere workout
Thursday- Rest day
Friday- Rest day
Saturday- Rest day
Sunday- 2.5 mile run, super hot and humid but negative splits- 12:53, 12:16, 11:18

As you can see, it was another light training week. It's been hot and humid all week here and I just haven't felt like running or doing much of anything else. But, I did complete two strength workouts and while they aren't fun, I know they are good for me. Ha! Much like most things in life, what's good for you isn't always what you really want to do. However, this workout is amazing because you don't need any equipment- you can do it in your living room! Definitely check it out if you're looking for something simple but challenging.

Humidity makes for some beautiful skies. 

It's time for me to hit the reset button. As you know, it's been such a struggle for me to stay on the healthy eating path since we've been back from vacation. But no more! Yesterday, I looked up recipes, went to the grocery store, and then came home and started cooking for the week. I feel so much more in control when I've planned meals and have the ingredients to do so. I know this upcoming week will hold better food choices!

Lots of healthy ingredients for yummy meals!

Weight loss:
147.2 as of 6/10/15
+3.6 from last week
-43.2 since January 2013

UGH.... what the heck is going on?! I am up almost seven pounds since vacation- seven freaking pounds! To say that I'm frustrated is an understatement. I am pretty pissed at myself. I haven't worked by butt off for two and a half years to just start gaining again. I think I've identified some of what's causing the gain: lack of sleep. lack of movement, lack of discipline. I know that I need to recommit to all aspects of healthy living- making healthy food choices, moving more, and getting at least 7-8 hours of sleep a night. I make the worst choices when I'm sleepy. I am making some specific goals for this upcoming week that will hopefully show up in the scale next week:

  • Stay within my daily PPV range five out of seven days
  • Complete at least four structured workouts
  • Get in bed each night before 11 pm. 

So, it's time for me to finish this post and get in bed so I can check off goal number three! Have a great week!

Do you monitor your sleep habits/patterns? Do you set goals for your sleep?


  1. Glad you were able to get a new job at the same University.

    1. Thanks! Me too! It makes the transition so much easier!

  2. Congrats on the new job, Sarah! Hopefully now that the job search is over with it'll be easier to focus on making the healthy choices that you want to make.

    1. Me too! It's been so stressful these last few weeks- I'm ready to some stability!
